
Hearing Aid fitting and
Hearing Device supply

At Soundfair, we know that addressing hearing conditions is about more than just devices, even though technology can still play an important role in your journey towards improved hearing health and wellbeing.

Before launching into technology as a solution, we always recommend an appointment with our Connection Coaches to understand and explore your communication needs and the impacts of your hearing condition on you as a whole person.


At Soundfair Hearing Centre, our audiologists are supported and encouraged to work with the latest technology from all hearing aid manufacturers – and there are a lot! The advice and information you receive is truly independent, and we are not incentivised in any way to promote one product range over another, or one price range over another.


We don’t favour one brand over another because the research tells us that it isn’t the product that makes for a successful hearing aid fitting – it is the person who fits the device that has the most impact on reported outcomes – oh, and equally importantly – you!

Together, you and your audiologist will make the technology work for you, regardless of what product you choose.

Our Audiologists really listen to where you are at in your hearing journey, including your feelings towards hearing aids, your readiness to use hearing aids, and what you want hearing aids to do for you.

Perhaps its not a hearing aid that you need, but to learn more about other technology that can support you and your family to communicate with ease. There are all kinds of technology solutions for various hearing related concerns that our audiologists can share with you.

Our focus on you as a whole person means we personalise the information you receive on the range of technology options that could support you to achieve your hearing health and wellbeing goals, and you will know how the technology will help within your overall action plan.


Once you have made a decision to try some hearing technology, if we have it in stock, it could be fitted on the spot, or it may need to be custom ordered for you, which can take a week or two to arrive.
A hearing aid fitting appointment can take around 1 hour, and we will firstly ensure the comfort and physical fit of the device is as expected.

Then we personalise the sound of the device for each individual ear. This starts with an objective, evidence based protocol called Real Ear Measures. This will set up the hearing aid to provide appropriate sound access across the full spectrum of sounds able to be amplified by the device, according to a hearing loss prescription.
The sound will them be adjusted based on how you feel about it, and how you want the hearing aids to help you. This adjustment process will ensure you can confidently wear the hearing aids home, but might also occur over several visits as you gain experience with the devices in different environments, as your brain acclimatizes to the new sounds, and you really get to know what the hearing aids can and can’t do for you.

Our audiologists understand that everyone adapts to technology differently, and receiving amplified


Adjusting to and wearing hearing aids is not like using glasses. We don’t all instantly put on hearing aids and think, oh, that’s better, now I can hear like I used to. This is usually because we have waited a long time to get hearing aids, and during that time, our brains have ever so gradually adjusted to some sounds being missing, often without us realizing. Hearing aids will instantly reintroduce sounds to your brain, and it is not uncommon for the brain to have a negative response to this. Our audiologists can help to manage the process of sound introduction for you, but the reality is your brain will need some time to adjust to this new normal. For some people, that can be a very quick process, but for others, it can take months before their brains normalize the input from their hearing aids.


Hearing aids are usually recommended when there is a permanent hearing loss that cannot be managed medically. Hearing aid technology is pretty amazing, but it does not fix your hearing. A hearing aid will give you access to sounds that your ears currently don’t, but the sound still needs to be processed through your hearing condition, rather than fixing the condition itself.

This is one of the reasons we are so focused on whole person care, and not on hearing devices as the only solution to managing hearing conditions. Hearing conditions are as unique as the people who experience them, and the Soundfair Hearing Centre can support you and your family with the many factors that living with hearing conditions bring.
We can help you and your family understand what to expect from your hearing aid experience over time, and what to do if limitations or challenges persist once the hearing aids are fitted.

Sometimes, hearing aids are not part of the solution to address hearing conditions, and we have the experience and expertise to support you to achieve your goals when hearing aids are not part of your plan.


We are ready to listen. Call today on 1300 242 842 or book online for some time with our Audiologists and Connection Coaches.